Adoption Success Stories

Cheers to second chances!


After his first family abandoned him at a boarding facility, seemingly “forgetting “ to pick him up after vacation, Pablo found himself at Heartt Animal Refuge. Pablo worked very hard to get himself adopted and finally, after two years, his efforts paid off! Although everyone who came to the shelter fell in love with Pablo, not many people were in a position to adopt an 18 pound cat. Pablo takes up some space! But the perfect family finally came along and chose to love this oversized boy with special needs. His new family reported that it took him roughly one hour to adapt to his new home and his new family, and now is content to lounge on their couch and get chin scratches.
Cheers to second chances, Pablo!


Red initially found it challenging to adapt to the shelter environment, as he had grown up as the sole kitty in a serene home. Fortunately, a previous volunteer developed a strong bond with him, and Red now enjoys the privilege of returning to a tranquil, single-pet household. His new owner enthusiastically shares that Red excels at snuggling! Notably, Red has FIV, making this heartwarming adoption even more significant since cats with this virus often experience extended stays at the shelter.


Marko, a one-year-old terrier mix, came to us in a severely neglected state, having spent most of his life confined to a crate with no playtime, bathroom breaks, and minimal food. He was extremely dehydrated, dangerously underweight, and had developed painful bed sores from lying in his own waste. At Grady Vet, Marko received immediate and attentive medical care, including IV fluids, antibiotics, and a carefully managed feeding regimen to address his severe emaciation. Once he regained his health, a compassionate volunteer stepped forward to provide round-the-clock care in a foster home.

We were overjoyed when Marko found his forever home directly from his foster care, ensuring that he will never have to worry about when he’ll get his next meal or potty break again. Marko’s journey from neglect to love and care has brought a happy ending to his story.


Ricky came in as a 3 month old kitten who survived being hit by a car. He now resides as a spoiled only child, which is perfect for him since he is an attention hog.

Bear & Roxy

Bear and Roxy, the sibling Cavapoos, were also rehomed together. They went to a very loving home where they will be given not only the attention they have been craving, but also some obedience training which is desperately needed. It takes some patience and dedication to take on that project x2, but we think the little dogs will learn quickly and have a better quality of life.


Lyra came to the shelter pregnant and gave birth to 5 identical kittens who look just like their mama. It’s always nice when mom finds a home first! Her kittens will be available for adoption soon!


Sophie, our wild child, found a home with a family member of a volunteer so we are thrilled that we will receive frequent updates about her.


Smokey did not stay on PetFinder long before he found his forever home. No surprise as the solid gray male cats are always adopted quickly and his personality was one to easily fall in love with.

Dory & Dee

Siblings Dory & Dee were able to stay together and they have already been back to the shelter for a visit. We got to hear all about their transition into their new home and it is a purrrfect fit!